Peters Banded Skink Care Guide (Scincopus fasciatus)
You scream Peters, we scream Banded Skink! Together we get our Peters Banded Skink Care Guide! We dive deep into the care and set up you will need to provide the highest care for your new friend.- Rebekah Walenta
- Tags: Bioactive terrarium Heating
Amazon Tree Boa (Corallus hortulanus) Care Sheet
Who loves Amazon Tree Boa!? We do! Enjoy this step-by-step care sheet. Everything you will need for a healthy and happy Tree Boa. Learn how to maintain their bioactive habitat terrarium and provide the best care.- Rebekah Walenta
- Tags: Bioactive Bioactive terrarium Heat Heating microfauna nitrogen cycle ReptiFiles snake soils Springtails substrate Terra Firma UVB UVB and reptiles Vivarium