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Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Bioactive Vivarium Kit

Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius) Bioactive Vivarium Kit


A complete, self-sustaining bioactive Leopard Gecko complete terrarium kit.  These geckos live in the arid scrublands of Afghanistan, where they retreat to burrows and rock crevices during the harsh day.  These hides are essential for escaping the desert sun and warding off dehydration.  Our Terra Sahara substrate is safe for all healthy Leopard...

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Pac Man Frog (Ceratophrys species) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Pac Man Frog (Ceratophrys species) Bioactive Vivarium Kit

Pac Man Frog (Ceratophrys species) Bioactive Vivarium Kit


A complete, self-sustaining bioactive Pac Man Frog habitat starter kit. These voracious animals are found throughout South America and enjoy deep soil with limited ventilation.  We’ve found that they love abundant cork flats, small amounts of foliage, and biodegradables.  In the proper environment, Pac Man Frogs are much more active than their r...

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Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata) Bioactive Vivarium Kit

Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata) Bioactive Vivarium Kit


A complete, self-sustaining bioactive vivarium kit for Rosy Boas. This species is one of only two Boid species native to the United States, making their living in and around granite outcroppings in the American Southwest. Their attractive coloration and docile nature has made them a popular choice as a pet snake, especially for younger children ...

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Sulcata Tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Sulcata Tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) Bioactive Vivarium Kit

Sulcata Tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) Bioactive Vivarium Kit


A complete self cleaning, self maintaining bioactive kit for Sulcata Tortoises. This Bioactive kit is meant for younger tortoises, as sub adults and adults should be kept outdoors for beneficial heat, UVB and humidity. Sulcata tortoises are by far one of the most distributed and sold tortoises in the pet trade. These tortoises get very large and...

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Terra Fauna Basic Plant Kit

Terra Fauna Basic Plant Kit


A hand selected assortment of The Dude's best tropicals. These tropical plants are designed for rainforest-dwelling reptiles such as day geckos, crested geckos, and other Neotropical (from the tropical regions of the Americas) species. Here is what is included with each size kit: 10 gallon - x1 3"-4" pot of an assorted tropical plant and 1 brome...

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Terra Fauna Premium Plant Kit

Terra Fauna Premium Plant Kit


A hand selected assortment of The Dude's best tropicals. These tropical plants are designed for rainforest-dwelling reptiles such as day geckos, crested geckos, and other Neotropical (from the tropical regions of the Americas) species. Here is what is included with each size kit: 10 gallon - x2 3"-4" pots of assorted tropical plants, 1 bromeliad...

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Terra Firma Basic Plant Kit

Terra Firma Basic Plant Kit


A hand selected assortment of The Dude's best durable plants. These plants are designed for terrestrial reptiles such as monitors, snakes, tortoises, and other burrowing species. Here is what is included with each size kit: 20 gallon long- x3 4" pots of assorted temperate or tropical plants  29 gallon - x4 4" pots of assorted temperate or tropic...

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Terra Firma Premium Plant Kit

Terra Firma Premium Plant Kit


A hand selected assortment of The Dude's best durable plants. These plants are designed for terrestrial reptiles such as monitors, snakes, tortoises, and other burrowing species. Here is what is included with each size kit: 20 gallon long- x4 4" pots of assorted temperate or tropical plants and 1 box of live moss 29 gallon - x5 4" pots of assort...

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Terra Flora Basic Plant Kit

Terra Flora Basic Plant Kit


A hand selected assortment of The Dude's best tropicals. These tropical plants are designed for rainforest-dwelling reptiles and amphibians such as dart frogs, tree frogs, and salamanders. Here is what is included with each size kit: 10 gallon - x1 3"-4" pot of an assorted tropical plant and 1 bromeliad offset 20 gallon - x2 3"-4" pots of assort...

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Terra Flora Premium Plant Kit

Terra Flora Premium Plant Kit


A hand selected assortment of The Dude's best tropicals. These tropical plants are designed for rainforest-dwelling reptiles and amphibians such as dart frogs, tree frogs, and salamanders. Here is what is included with each size kit: 10 gallon - x2 3"-4" pots of assorted tropical plants, 1 bromeliad offset, and 1 box of live moss 20 gallon - x3 ...

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Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus) Bioactive Vivarium Kit
Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus) Bioactive Vivarium Kit

Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus) Bioactive Vivarium Kit


A complete, self-sustaining bioactive vivarium kit for Western Hognose Snakes. Known for their remarkable habit of playing dead when threatened, these inquisitive snakes are found throughout the semi-arid prairies and scrublands of North America. Their docile nature and charming personalities have resulted in a well-deserved surge in popularity ...

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Western Hognose Snake Starter Plant Pack

Western Hognose Snake Starter Plant Pack


A handpicked selection of The Dude's best desert plants for western hognose snakes. The plants included in the kit are meant for your snakes to climb and perch on, and will thrive in the BioDude Terra Sahara bioactive substrate.  Hognose snakes in general are very inquisitive and will not have any problems laying their fat little bodies over the...

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