Terrarium and Paludarium Waterfall Kits
The Bio Dude's all-in-one collection of terrarium waterfall kits to create your own one of kind, fully aquatic base terrarium or paludarium. These reptile waterfall kits include components required to create your at home waterfalls or small water features.
Many water features can function with a pump below the drainage layer, pumping the water from the drainage layer to your desired output location to re-flow back to the base of the bioactive habitat. It is recommended to do frequent water changes and have your pump be accessible to you at all times for maintenance.
Waterfalls can be created by using flat rocks, various flat wood such as cork bark flats or tubes or by creating your own out of silicone and expanding foam.
Terrarium Waterfall Kits & Supplies
Clear or Black Aquarium Tubing 1/4" diameter sold by the foot
1/4" thick tubing. Great for siphoning out water, creating water features such as waterfalls and streams. Price is per foot. Black or clear. The Dude's choice. Sold per foot. Quantity 1 = 12" of tubing. If quantity 4 is purchased you will receive 4' of tubing.