Reptile Heat Bulbs & Ceramic Heat Emitters
Reptile and amphibian halogen, spot and ceramic heat bulbs for your heating fixtures. Not sure which reptile heat bulb is right for you?
We highly recommend using a thermostat in conjunction with all heating elements to ensure that all parameters are correct.
Just ask The Bio Dude at
Reptile Heat Bulbs
Exo Terra Intense Basking Spot Bulb
Exo Terra Intense Basking Spot Bulb
35% increase of light and heat in the beam Creates a basking area for thermoregulation Increases ambient air temperature Stimulates breeding behavior through UVA rays Can be combined with Night Heat Lamp or Infrared Basking Spot Lamp for a 24-hour cycle A lamp specially designed as a basking spot lamp. The tight beam can be directed precisely ...
Exo Terra Daylight Basking Spot Lamp Bulb
Exo Terra Daylight Basking Spot Lamp Bulb
A broad-spectrum daylight spot lamp with a Neodymium sleeve. The spectrum is ideal for plant’s photosynthesis and the UVA (ultraviolet A) light contributes to reptiles’ physiological well-being. The spot allows one to direct the heat and light in a certain direction to create basking sites in the terrarium.
Arcadia GoldenSun Basking Halogen Heater
Arcadia GoldenSun Basking Halogen Heater
The Arcadia Reptile GoldenSun Colored Basking Halogen is expertly designed to emit a highly bioavailable, mid-beam, naturalistic golden glow for deep tissue warming within your reptiles. Available in 35, 50, 75, and 100 watt CCT 2300 Kelvin The Arcadia Reptile GoldenSun Halogen Flood lamps are powerful, crisp, bright and Infra-Red-A rich. These ...